What is it?It is an inflammatory or degenerative dysfunction of the common extensor tendon of the elbow.
There may be some micro-tears, partial tears and initially some inflammation.
What causes it?There are many causes:
1. Overuse and/or misuse.
2. Poor training methods.
3. Poor body and movement mechanics.
4. Poor shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand mobility and/or stability.
5. Lack of neuromuscular propioception (perception of your body in time space and the environment you are moving in).
6. Poor synchronicity of movement patterns and body parts.
7. Systematic steroids.
8. Some antibiotics.
9. Trauma.
What are the sings and symptoms?1. Pain that is present before, during and/or after activity, it is felt over the elbow with referred pain down the forearm to the base of the hand.
2. Swelling that may be present at the painful site.
3. As the pain progresses, you find that you are unable to play, type or work as long or as fast as before, and that the pain may persist for an hour or two after exercise.
4. Occasionally, there may be a small, very tender nodule at the site. This may indicate bursitis.
What are the recovery steps?Start with step one, and gradually as your body allows it, progress to the next step every few days or weeks.Step 1. Remove the source.
Step 2. Ice packs (7 to 10 minutes 4 times per day) and gentle pain-free movements (20 to 40 reps 4 times per day).
Step 3. Progressive isometric, eccentric and concentric strengthening exercises.
Step 4. Continue walking and cycling as much as the pain will allow.
Step 5. Progressively start exercising 10 to 20 minutes.
Step 6. Speed walk 10 to 20 minutes.
Step 7. Exercise with mild resistance (squeeze rubber ball, open hand against elastic resistance) 10 to 20 minutes
Step 8. Star playing tennis or your sports, beginning slowly for 5-10 minutes, and build up your normal training over the next 2-3 months.
Step 9. Train all the muscles and joints the body with stability, mobility, strength and endurance exercises.
Step 10.Warm up before every training, game or activity.
Step 11.Cool down after every exercises or training sessions.
Step 12.Take at least two days for active rest between training and game sessions (Wednesday and Sunday).
Step 13.If the above steps don't work, you may need to see an orthopedic or sports medicine professional.
What is the recovery time?Average recovery time is 2-4 months but it may take longer according to severity.